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Course Note for Hungyi-Lee Machine Learning Course.

Lecture 1-2 Introduction

Why sigmoid or ReLU?

Piecewise linear curve.

Why deep network instead of fat network?

What’s gradient descent problem?

Not local minima, but learning rate.

Lecture 3 Training Guidance


Lecture 4 Critical Point

Gradient close to 0: critical point (local minima or saddle point)

Hessian matrix: 2-order derivative matrix

Eigenvalue → local minima or saddle point

Lecture 5 Batch and Momentum



  • epoch: see all batches once (shuffle after each epoch)
  • update: one batch → one parameter update

Large batch size spend less time for training given the excellence of parallel computing

Noisy update is better for training.

Why Noise Improve Optimization?

Why Noise Improve Optimization?

Just An Explanation

Just An Explanation for Small Batch

Momentum: weighted sum of the previous gradient.

\[m^{t+1} = \lambda m^t - \eta g^t\] \[\theta^{t+1} = \theta^t + m^{t+1}\]

Lecture 6 Learning Rate

Root Mean Square: used in Adagrad(Adaptive gradient)

\[\sigma_i^t = \sqrt{\frac{1}{t+1} \sum_{i=0}^t (g_i^t)^2}\]

RMSProp: recent gradient has a larger influence(brake)

\[\sigma_i^t = \sqrt{\alpha(\sigma_i^{t-1})^2 + (1-\alpha)(g_i^t)^2}\]

Learning Rate Scheduling:

$\eta^t$: Learning rate scheduling

$\sigma^t_i$: magnitude

$m^t_i$: direction

Optimizer Adam: Momentum+RMSProp

Lecture 7 Batch Normalization Introduction

Smoothen the loss surface

BatchNorm: approximation of Feature Normalization

Many variants of Normalization

Lecture 8 Classification

One-hot vector as output

Cross-entropy loss function

Lecture 9 Convolutional Neural Network

Receptive field: Some patterns are much smaller than the whole image.

pattern detection


  • kernel size
  • stride
  • padding

Parameter sharing: The same pattern appears in different regions of the picture.

Pooling: subsampling the pixels will not change the object.

Decrease computation

Pooling is not always good.

CNN can’t handle rotation and scaling.

Improvement: spatial transformer layer

Spatial Transformer Layer

Lecture 10-11 Self-Attention

Evaluate the relevance between a bunch of vectors.

Self-attention v.s. CNN:

  • CNN is self-attention that can only be attended in a receptive field
  • Self-attention is CNN with a learnable receptive field.

Self-attention v.s. RNN:

  • parallel
  • distance

Lecture 12-13 Transformer

Seq2seq mission: input and output are both sequences, output length is determined by the machine.

Residual Connection

Layer Normalization

Positional Encoding

Lecture 14 GAN