RDBMS Design
Design Principle with Relational Database Management System
Three Elements of Data Model
- Data Structure
- Data Operations
- Relational Algebra
- Relational Calculus
- DDL (Data Definition Language)
- DML (Data Manipulation Language)
- DCL (Data Control Language)
- Integrity Constraints
- Entity Integrity
- Referential Integrity
- User-Defined Integrity
Basic Terms of Relational Model
Relation (Table): Represents entities and their relationships in a two-dimensional table.
Attribute (Column): A column in a table representing a property.
Domain: The set of valid values for an attribute.
Tuple (Row): A row in a table representing a record.
Degree or Arity: The number of attributes in a relation.
Cardinality: The number of tuples in a relation.
Super Key: A set of one or more attributes that, taken collectively, uniquely identifies a tuple.
Candidate Key:
A minimal super key for uniquely identifying tuples.
- Uniqueness: No two distinct tuples have the same combination of values for all candidate key attributes.
- Irreducibility: No proper subset of the candidate key has the uniqueness property.
Primary Key: A candidate key chosen to uniquely identify tuples in a relation.
Foreign Key: An attribute in a relation that refers to the primary key in another relation.
Three Types of Tables: Basic Relation, Query Table, View Table (Virtual Table)
Relational Algebra Operators
- Set Operators
- Union (∪)
- Intersection (∩)
- Difference (-)
- Cartesian Product (×)
- Specialized Relation Operations
- Selection (σ): Selects rows that satisfy a specified condition.
- Projection (π): Selects specific columns from a relation.
- Join (⨝): Combines rows from two or more relations based on a related column.
- Rename (ρ): Renames a relation.
- Comparison Operators
- Not equal to (<>)
- Logical Operators
- AND (∧)
- OR (∨)
- NOT (∼)
Database Architecture
- External Schema: Represents the logical structure and characteristics of data visible to database users.
- Schema: Represents the logical structure and characteristics of all the data contained in the database.
- Internal Schema: Describes the physical storage structure of the database.
External Schema/Schema Mapping: Ensures logical data independence.
The correspondence between external schemas and the schema. When the schema changes (such as adding new relations, new attributes, changing the data type of attributes, etc.), the database administrator makes corresponding changes to each external schema/schema mapping, keeping the external schema unchanged. Since applications are written based on external schemas, applications do not need to be changed, ensuring logical data independence.
Schema/Internal Schema Mapping: Ensures physical data independence.
The correspondence between the global logical structure of the database and the storage structure. When the storage structure of the database changes (such as using another storage structure), the database administrator makes corresponding changes to the schema/internal schema mapping, keeping the schema unchanged. Since applications are written based on the schema, applications do not need to be changed, ensuring physical data independence.
Three-Level Schema, Two-Level Mapping
Designing a Database
Conceptual Schema
Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram
Data Relationships:
- 1:1
- 1:N
- M:N
Logical Schema
Conversion from ER Diagram to Relational Schema, Normalization, CREATE TABLE
Normal Forms:
- 1NF (First Normal Form): No repeating groups; each attribute value is atomic.
- 2NF (Second Normal Form): No partial dependencies on the primary key.
- 3NF (Third Normal Form): No transitive dependencies on the primary key.
- BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form): A stronger form of 3NF.
Physical Schema
Implementation of the database system
Local Variables
DECLARE @score INT, @name VARCHAR(20) # SET @score = 88 SELECT @score = 90, @name = 'user'
Global Variables: Specific to the SQL Server system
-- Date SELECT STR(YEAR(GETDATE())) -- Other DB OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB', 'DataSource=(local); Integrated Security = SSPI;').university.dbo.student -- Excel OPENDATASOURCE('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', 'Data Source="..."; User ID=Admin; Password=; Extended properties=Excel 12.0')...[Sheet2$]
User-Defined Functions
Scalar Function
-- Definition CREATE FUNCTION get_avg_score(@snum CHAR(4)) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @temp INT SELECT @temp = AVG(score) FROM sc WHERE snum = @snum RETURN @temp END -- Operation SELECT dbo.get_avg_score('s001')
Inline Table-Valued Function
-- Definition CREATE FUNCTION get_avg_ge(@score INT) RETURNS table RETURN BEGIN SELECT snum, AVG(score) AS average FROM sc GROUP BY snum HAVING AVG(score) >= @score END -- Operation SELECT * FROM get_avg_ge(80)
Multi-Statement Table-Valued Function
-- Definition CREATE FUNCTION get_sc() RETURNS @sc TABLE( snum CHAR(4), cnum CHAR(3), score INT ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @sc SELECT snum, cnum, score FROM sc, sections WHERE sc.secnum = sections.secnum RETURN END -- Operation SELECT * FROM get_sc()
Function Operations
DROP FUNCTION dbo.get_sc # Delete ALTER FUNCTION dbo.get_sc # Modify
Flow Control
-- IF ELSE IF () *; ELSE *; -- WHILE WHILE () *; BREAK; CONTINUE; -- Wait WAITFOR TIME '09:00:00' WAITFOR DELAY '00:30:00' -- CASE SELECT RANK = CASE score WHEN 7 THEN 'GOOD' WHEN 10 THEN 'PERFECT' ELSE 'SORRY' -- SELECT Count with Conditions SUM(CASE WHEN s > 90 1 WHEN s < 80 2 ELSE 0) --
Common Database Objects
CREATE VIEW V(id, name, desp) AS /* ... */
❗️❗️ DML operations on views can only affect one base table!
Stored Procedure
Characteristics: Reduce network traffic, code reuse, speed up system execution, improve data security
- System stored procedures
- User-defined procedures
- Extended stored procedures
- Remote stored procedures
-- No Params CREATE PROC proc1 AS SELECT snum, AVG(score) FROM sc GROUP BY snum -- Running Test EXEC proc1 -- Input Params CREATE PROC proc2 @snum CHAR(4) AS SELECT snum, AVG(score) FROM sc WHERE snum = @snum -- Running Test DECLARE @temp CHAR(4) SET @temp = 's002' EXEC proc2 @temp -- Input & Output Params CREATE PROC proc3 @snum CHAR(4), @avg INT OUTPUT AS SELECT @avg = AVG(score) FROM sc WHERE snum = @snum -- Running Test DECLARE @temp CHAR(4), @avg_out INT SET @temp = 's001' EXEC proc3 @temp, @avg_out OUT PRINT 's001''s Average Score: ' + CAST(@avg_out AS CHAR(4)) -- Return Status CREATE PROC sc_proc4 @snum CHAR(10)=NULL AS IF @snum is NULL RETURN 15 ELSE IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sc WHERE snum=@snum AND score<60) RETURN 5 ELSE BEGIN SELECT * FROM sc WHERE snum=@snum RETURN 0 END -- Running Test DECLARE @return_status INT EXEC @return_status=sc_proc4 's001' IF @return_status=15 PRINT 'Missing input parameter!' IF @return_status=5 PRINT 'This student has failing records!'
Source code location:
View custom stored procedures:
sp_helptext proc
System stored procedures: e.g.,
CREATE TRIGGER TG1 ON [table]|[view] FOR|AFTER|INSTEAD OF [INSERT][,][DELETE][,][UPDATE] AS /* ... */ -- Rollback mechanism ROLLBACK -- Confirm modification COMMIT
- Enforce Restriction
- Auditing Changes
- Cascaded Operation
- Invocation of Stored Procedure
Components: Event, Condition, Action
Database Management
Data Query
Relational algebra, SQL language
Database Protection Techniques
Integrity Control
- Entity Integrity
- Referential Integrity
- Domain Integrity
- User-defined Integrity
CREATE TABLE, Trigger, Rule
Security Control
- User login passwords
- Views: Can only update one base table
- Access control
- Roles
Concurrency Control Blog
Three abnormal states: lost data, non-repeatable read, read dirty data
ACID properties of transactions:
- Atomicity: All operations in a transaction must either complete or leave the database unchanged. If an error occurs during the transaction, it is rolled back to the state before the transaction started.
- Consistency: The database remains in a consistent state before and after the transaction. This ensures that data meets all predetermined rules, including accuracy, coherence, and the ability to perform predetermined tasks spontaneously.
- Isolation: The database allows multiple concurrent transactions to read, write, and modify its data. Isolation prevents data inconsistency caused by concurrent execution of multiple transactions. Isolation has different levels, including Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, and Serializable.
- Durability: After a transaction is completed, the changes to the data are permanent. Even in the event of a system failure, the changes are not lost.
Lock Mechanism
2PL, Two-Phase Locking Protocol: All transactions must be divided into two stages for locking and unlocking
The first stage is acquiring locks, also known as the expansion stage; the second stage is releasing locks, also known as the contraction stage
Database Maintenance
Common Techniques
Stored Procedures: No parameters, input parameters, output parameters
Triggers: insert, delete, update, instead of